
She is one of the greatest success stories of my past 23 years.  2003 she woke up with a “high pitched grating squeal in left ear” Went to family Dr and had an ultrasound done…normal.  Proceeded to have 3 different ENT specialists look at her with more ultrasounds, xrays, MRI’s, CATscans…all normal! Saw a Neurologist, Acupuncturist, Physiotherapist, Nerve Specialist! No change! All of this over 2-3 years…. she told me that she had “done it all” and it had obviously taken a huge tole on her!

………One of my patients had referred her to me and as I sat listening to this remarkable “story” I was thinking “all these specialists…is there any chance I can help her?” As I started to examine her using my exam procedures she yelled “how did you do that!” I said “do what”?  She said…………….“you made the squealing go crazy!”…………………

Turns out all those specialists had never even examined that part of her upper back!  A few more tests and then a treatment….she was “astonished!”  Over the next month we were able to completely remove the squealing, restore her neck range of motion, and finally give her the peace and quiet she had only been dreaming of for the past 4 years!    


He was told by numerous specialists that he would be in a wheelchair within 5 years…..  That was 12 years ago! This Vet had served and fought for our country but he couldn’t fight this one…. MS!………Because of the changes in the way his muscles worked due to the MS, he had horrible back pain…which is why he began seeing me. We got that worked out pretty quickly and he now sees me monthly to “unwind” the effects of his altered gait all due to the MS. Now, has Chiropractic helped him keep out of that wheelchair? We won’t know…”Steve” has his thoughts 😉 …. but I’m just glad he’s still able to golf (although not well!…. but that’s another story!) and has a degree of quality to his life!

These are just a few of the countless “successes” I have had over my 23 years in practice. Contact me to see if my “approach” may be of benefit to you as well.  I’m super easy to talk to and will always give my advise like you were a member of my family…….


began seeing me about 18 months ago. Her story is not much different than many of my patients: 50 pounds plus overweight, on Metformin™ for control of her blood sugars, high blood pressure medication, and a whole host of physical complaints. She would be huffing and puffing just trying to get up the stairs in Quality Foods!  …….Initially we worked on her physical complaints but I eventually confided that her weight was the root of most of the problems. She broke down and said “I know, I know”. She had reached “rock bottom”! I told her that her body had lost it’s ability to regulate it’s healing and it needed my help.

She said “I’ll do anything“!

We put her on my diet and she lost 7 pounds the first week! She was inspired! She felt like she wanted to start exercising but I told her that she wasn’t ready yet.

My protocols began to allow her body to get ready for the next phase of her transformation. She followed my recommendations and slowly began to see the results.

The rest is history

Karen is now in control of her life, she’s been training for a 10k run (something that was a fairy tale for her 18 months ago!) and has asked for my help on nutrition and training schedules. She sees me every 3-4 weeks to keep her in tip top shape and maintain the successes she achieved…………

I’m so happy and proud of her, contact me today to see if you can be my next “Karen”



These are just a few of the countless “successes” I have had over my 23 years in practice. Contact me to see if my “approach” may be of benefit to you as well.  I’m super easy to talk to and will always give my advise like you were a member of my family…….

Get in Touch!

107 – 2100 Guthrie Rd
Comox, BC V9M 3P6

